Friday, May 6, 2011

Life and Art

Thinking about and praying around Mother's Day got me to think about this painting I did as part of my seminary experience. I asked Mom to model the hands holding the rosary because they reminded me of my grandmother's hands! I am grateful to have them in my painting because they remind me of Mom now too! She taught me to pray! Actually, she got me to pray by telling me to pray a Hail Mary every time something was bugging me! It is my number one go to for when I am under stress. I am thankful that she did that and I am thankful that my Grandparents (both sets) Fred & Anna, and Bernard & Anna Lee could be found praying the rosary almost every time we came to visit them. Prayer has always been a big part of my life and is a huge part of my healing!

Healing is not just dealing with those things that hurt us, it is also recognizing the things that have been taught to us by others. My Dad taught me a sense of Social Justice. He was mayor of Augusta, Kentucky for years while we were growing up. He cared about the whole town! One day I was across the street from a store we had downtown and this car came roaring down the street, racing. It stopped at the river and turned around. I saw my Dad walk calmly out into the street and stand there as that car went slowly by him. I was scared to death that they would run over him, but he stood firm! That's why he appears on this painting of my life (and for others!).

My husband has been a huge part of my life and who I am now for going on 34 years. That cross was one we got on our wedding day. I have poetry that speaks to who he is in my life but I will have to come up with something more to put on this painting to represent what he means to me!

Hearts are something I doodle and pop up in my artwork all the time. This particular heart has purple and white on it. Those are the uppermost chakras! And cats are another familiar image for me. I love cats and they remind me of an aspect of my personality that just won't be nailed down! And the woman with two children is me (in a skirt that would be very familiar to my kids!) The little child with wings is my little Jessica whom I miscarried and is now in heaven!

I attended Lexington Theological Seminary for a Masters of Divinity. My own denomination is Roman Catholic, but I learned why and that I am very Catholic with the Disciples of Christ. This chalice is their symbol. I had issues with communion (and a struggle with my own Catholic teachings in this regard) that were so significant that I will always be grateful for the learning I got there.

And the two old men who are sitting outside of the Church, really happened. I was walking down the opposite street one day when I saw these two old guys going through some garbage bags in front of the church. I was scandalized and righteous but wouldn't go over to them. I felt a call to go and talk to them but I didn't. I may have entertained angels that day if I had. I will never again keep myself from talking to anyone again. That is why this is on the painting. It remains a significant piece of my Priesthood of All Believers, which is what this painting is called. It is unfinished as I am unfinished.

So, your challenge for this time would be to choose from among your own story, those things that make up who you are. Who are the people, the circumstances, the places that are you? Can you name them? What symbol would you put in the middle to represent yourself? This could be done with a small box where you place those special things in it or a painting like I've done. Would you finish it or leave it open? I seem to have chosen a stained glass window for my picture. What would yours be?

Just going through the story is very healing and it is a wonderful reminder of who has come before you. Happy Mother's Day!

Just a sneak peak into more art! This is my eschatology! Explanation to follow!


  1. Really nice piece, Snail! I love the symbology, and all you have to say about what you learned from your folks. VERY nice art work! Wow, love the colors, the symbols, all of it.

  2. Thanks Mary! Wait till the explanation of the last painting! I love doing it!
